

To become a DSP, apply with an agency or organization that provides services to people with intellectual and physical disabilities in your area. You will go through the usual job application, interviews, reference and background checks that are that are a requirement to be hired in most jobs.

For information on current job openings, visit the Job Service ND job search website and search by keywords such as Direct Support Professional and Direct Care, or visit the North Dakota Association of Community Providers.


In North Dakota, all companies use the Community Staff Training Program (CSTP) through Minot State University for staff education on working with people with intellectual disabilities. The training is structured with modules that relate to specific job tasks. If you would like to develop more skills to advance in your DSP career, you can take additional educational modules.

DSP’s may also take college courses and earn the following degrees:

  • Associate of Science in Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
  • Bachelor of Science in Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
  • Master of Science in Developmental Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder